Sunday, December 4, 2011

2nd Sunday of Advent

Solstice Torch

As the nights grow longer
As we approach the darkest night
The longest night
Winter Solstice
Let our hearts be filled with Peace
Peace because the light will return
Peace because next year will be better
Peace for we are not alone
Peace is a torch in our hands
Illuminating our path
A light in the dark
In the darkest night.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Advent Poem 1

I know it's about a week late for the first week of Advent but, all four just got written today.

Solstice Candle

As the nights grow longer
As we approach the darkest night
The longest night
Winter Solstice
Let our hearts be filled with Hope
Hope that the light will return
Hope that next year will be better
Hope that everyone will be safe
Hope is a candle in the window
A light in the dark
In the darkest night.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Short Story Time!

Well, today I finished writing my latest novel.  The following is not officially part of the novel but, a short story about some of what is going on in the background during crazy events.  Yes some of  the characters are based of of real people so please do not get offended if I messed you up, I was just having some fun.  And to be fair, if you ask me to put you in a story or a book, I think I have the right to do so.  So neener, neener neener.

Dishwasher from Hell
A Forbidden Magics Short Story

The tool shed was unlocked like always, and implements of destruction gleamed cheerfully in the darkness.  Chris walked in and grabbed a couple of yard tools and walked back out. 
“Why are we here again?” Daniel asked, “And why is the shovel shiny?  That’s just wrong.” 
“We are here because in about twenty minutes a guy named John Bohngers is going to demonstrate his supposedly revolutionary new dishwasher in the metallurgy building.  Explosions man, explosions.”
“Uh-huh” Daniel replied obviously lost.  Both Daniel and Chris had been friends since they were young.  They spent most of their free time getting into trouble by doing things like making homemade bottle rockets, stuffing cats into newspaper dispensers and trying to trick an ATM into giving them money.  None of those ventures ended particularly well but, at least they survived growing up. 
It seemed a no brainer that both of them would be here trying to earn their degree in alchemy.  Alchemy is one the most in demand job fields out there.  In a day and age when everyone has a cell phone, everyone has a television, and everyone uses a computer, Alchemists are indispensable.  There are different fields of alchemy, and both Chris and Daniel wanted to be alchemical mechanics; because, eventually someone always manages to break the unbreakable, and fixing things is almost as fun as destroying them. 
“You think we can jerry-rig a mower to also work as a sprinkler and fertilizer system?”  Daniel asked staring at the large riding mower in the back of the shed with longing in his eyes.
“I don’t see why not, you’d just have to time the blades with an oscillating, wait we are not getting side-tracked.  We need that bonus money.  You need that bonus money.  Weren’t you planning on asking your girl Jessica to marry you?  You need that cash for a honey moon man.  Woooo hoo!”
Daniel stood there in the shed blushing, and trying to act all manly but, then he realized what Chris had said.  “What bonus money?” he asked.
“Haven’t you been paying attention these past few weeks?  I signed us up for clean-up crew.  If we are first responders in a disaster we get a bonus besides hazard pay.  It’s easy money man.  Easy money.”  Daniel just looked the shovel in his hand and looked over at his friend like he was nuts. 
Just then a loud explosion came from the direction of the metallurgy building.   Both of their cell phones beeped that they had an incoming message but neither of them glanced at it as they rushed off in the direction of the explosion.  “Damn Bohngers, he wasn’t supposed to start for another fifteen minutes!”  Chris yelled.
“Uh-huh” was Daniel’s response.  They got to the building and there was already security blocking the door. 
“You gotta let us in.”  Chris said, “We’re on clean-up duty.”
“Didn’t you get your text?” the guard asked, “This is a class five disaster.  No civilians can be asked to help.”  Chris snorted, like a rent-a-cop wasn’t a civilian.
“Class Five?  Isn’t that military grade?  I thought there was supposed to be a dishwasher demonstration today not weapons.”  Daniel glared at his friend.  Chris had got things wrong again.
“I can’t tell you guys anything.”  The guard replied.  Daniel glanced at the text message on his phone.  Sure enough it said, Class 5 disaster please be on stand-by for recovery.  “We’re on stand-by” Daniel told his friend.
“Great I’ll just stand by this building here and wait for something.” Chris said shoving the prongs of his pitchfork down into the ground and leaning on it to stare petulantly at the security guard.  They could hear the fire trucks putting out the blaze on the opposite side of the building.  Daniel just shrugged his shoulders looked at his shovel, looked at the ground in front of him, and began to dig.
“Hey what are you doing?” The security guard yelled.
“Digging a hole,” Daniel replied still shoveling dirt.
“You can’t do that it’s against the rules.”
“No it isn’t.  Look it up.  Class-Five disaster, I am allowed to take whatever precautions needed to keep myself safe.  I think digging a hole is a pretty good precaution.”  Chris snickered as he watched the security guard call his supervisor and get told the exact same thing that Daniel had told him.  Meanwhile he watched the hole get bigger and bigger.  Daniel was a one man digging machine. 
“How deep you going to make that thing?” Chris asked.
“I don’t know, pretty deep.  I’m just lucky the ground isn’t frozen.  You wanna help?”
“No I’m having too much fun watching you do all the hard work.” He said laughing.  Before he knew it Daniel was in a hole deeper than he was tall, and Chris was pulling him out. 
“What was the point of that?” the security guard asked, but then got interrupted by shouts and screams behind him.  New flames could be seen in the building behind the security guard and there was a noise like breaking dishes.  And then the cause of the disaster came into view.  It looked like a cross between Rosie from the Jetsons and a play-boy bunny.  It was shooting flames out of its hands at the wall, and making a high pitched screaming noise.
“Is that the dishwasher?” Chris asked in amazement.
“I dunno.” Daniel replied from the far side of his hole.
“She’s kind of hot.  Well minus the whole deadly thing but, even that is kind of hot.”   The dishwasher woman machine spotted them and turned toward them and started to speed up. 
“I HATE MEN,” it screamed in a strangely unemotional electronic voice, “DO YOUR OWN DAMN DISHES.”
“Okay, that’s not so hot.” Chris said and dove out the way to the right.  The security guard dove to the left and Daniel ran backwards out of the reach of the approaching flames.  The creature ran straight for Daniel, not noticing the massive hole in front of it. 
Almost as if in slow motion, she fell into the hole head first.  The head fell off, so it had gone silent but, it was still shoot flames out of its hands.  Luckily it was shooting into nothing but the dirt.
“Take out the battery!” Daniel yelled.  Chris ran forward and looked for the battery device that was on all alchemical devices.  This one was directly on the things ass that was sticking up in the air. 
“Oh well.” Chris said and shove the pitch-fork into the battery pack.  Yellow fluid spilled out of the battery pack, sparking at it hit electrical components.  The flames sputtered and died out completely.
“Yup,” Daniel said, “That just happened”  and walked over and gave Chris a high-five. 
“How did you know it was going to come out here and fall in the hole?” The security guard asked dumbfounded.
“I didn’t” Daniel responded, “I just like digging holes.”  A fire-fighter rushed out of the building and shook both Daniel and Chris’s hand.
“Good job” he told them, “I’ll make sure you guys get hazard pay with school, along with a commendation for bravery.  I you boys ever need a job, look up the Baytown Fire Department.  I will personally give you a recommendation.”
A nerdy looking guy with a large forehead came running out of the building, “Kirsten, NOOO!” he yelled and fell on his knees sobbing in front of the broken machine. 
“Who is this?” Daniel asked.
“That is John Bohngers, a guy who is too smart for his own good.”  Chris replied.  He picked up his pitchfork, and Daniel picked up his shovel and they walked off into the distance.
“Hey Chris.” Daniel said holding up the dirty shovel, “Now this is what a shovel is supposed to look like.”

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's 9:00 in the morning and I'm cooking

So a few days ago I bought a pumpkin fully intending to carve for Halloween.  I was going to put a scary face on in it, put some yummy smelling tea-lights in it, and generally get into the spirit.  What I didn't take into account was how exhausted I was going to be from working long shifts the entire weekend.  Consequently the pumpkin didn't get carved.  What do you do with an un-carved pumpkin.....cook it!

Right now half of the pumpkin is in the oven with butter on it, the other half is waiting to go in and the seeds are being roasted.  Yay!

But wait, that's not the only thing I'm cooking.  My mom got overly ambitiious and started cleaning out the pantry.  Which means my un-opened bottle of chimichuri that I bought last week is on the table, and in serious danger of being tossed unless I open it and put it in the fridge.  So I am cooking up some stuff to put the chimichuri on, (right now it's chicken)  And some of the chicken I'm going to make into chicken salad and take to mom at work and no one will be the wiser.

I should never eat the French Silk pie from Perkins ever again.  I am sicker than a dog this morning.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Strange Post-apocalyptic story dream.

I had a very strange story type dream last night.

I had a daughter and we were on the run from this strange cult that was brainwashing people using music and rituals.  We were hiding from them in an abandoned Walmart bathroom and I was whispering a lullaby to her to keep her quiet.  Then some of cult members found me and ripped her out my arms, and took her to place where they brain-wash people.  I had to watch as they changed her. They told me I could go while they kept my daughter, or they could brainwash me and I would be able to stay with her.  I chose to let them brainwash me; however, it didn't completely take.

As time went on in the dream and I was doing chores (catching fish), I began to remember who and what I was. I had to keep pretending otherwise though because I wanted to be near my daughter.  Some people suspected but, the cult leader shut them up and said there was no way the brain-washing would slip.

They moved the encampment further in the mountains, and we would travel by night.  We came to a couple of abandoned towns up in the forest.  They had a cemetery behind them, and one of the towns, I think used to be a ski resort.  Every building we went in had boxes of supplies stacked in them.  We got to one area where there was about a foot ball sized covered arena, and the inside was covered with the boxes of supplies they were stacked at least ten feet high and covered the entire floor, and people were moving on top of the boxes stacking even more on top.  My daughter came to find me and she was humming under her breath.  It was the lullaby I had been singing to her back when the cult members caught us, and I knew she was getting her memory back, and the programming was fading.

And this is the type of stuff that goes on in my brain when I'm asleep.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Well I'm trying something out again

Yes I have done blogs before.  Why did I stop....because I kept losing them.  You may ask, "how does one loose a blog?"  I'm not exactly sure.

I just wasted 20 minutes staring at a flow-chart filled with science fiction, and fantasy books that I kept listing how many I had read.   Dang I feel like a geek.  I was supposed to be writing this epic thing that would share my insights with the world.  Well basically anyone bored enough to read this.

In other news.  I'm going to be participating in NaNoWriMo again this year.  I've been writing outlines, and taking notes for the past month and will continue to do so throughout October.  I've been super excited about it and the whole system I've developed but, I have a hard time talking to people about it without revealing spoilers.  Although once I get it finished I think the people who won't read it are my family.  Maybe if I get it published they will but, I kind of doubt it.  Oh well, at least, I'm getting this thing out of my head.

So far with the book I have a rough outline done, notes on the natural laws of the world I've created along with notes on the culture in this parallel world I have built.  I have a full character sheet built on the main character and am working on character sheets for the other characters but, as I work on them it starts to change the world and I have to add more notes to the other sections. For example, the bad guy.  Where does he come from?  What is his motivation for being evil?  Does he have free will?  How does he fit into the scheme of possible future stories?

Then I read through my rough outline and realized I need mini outlines for each chapter because the middle one's bog down and I don't know how to get the information to  the reader while keeping the reader entertained so, it would be a good idea for each chapter to have it's own mini-plot and a hook to keep the reader going.  So now I need these mini-plots to fit into the plot of the story, and I want the story plot to fit into an overarcing plot of at least 4 books.  Ambitious no?  Maybe, but, I felt like this was something I need to be doing.