Saturday, October 1, 2011

Strange Post-apocalyptic story dream.

I had a very strange story type dream last night.

I had a daughter and we were on the run from this strange cult that was brainwashing people using music and rituals.  We were hiding from them in an abandoned Walmart bathroom and I was whispering a lullaby to her to keep her quiet.  Then some of cult members found me and ripped her out my arms, and took her to place where they brain-wash people.  I had to watch as they changed her. They told me I could go while they kept my daughter, or they could brainwash me and I would be able to stay with her.  I chose to let them brainwash me; however, it didn't completely take.

As time went on in the dream and I was doing chores (catching fish), I began to remember who and what I was. I had to keep pretending otherwise though because I wanted to be near my daughter.  Some people suspected but, the cult leader shut them up and said there was no way the brain-washing would slip.

They moved the encampment further in the mountains, and we would travel by night.  We came to a couple of abandoned towns up in the forest.  They had a cemetery behind them, and one of the towns, I think used to be a ski resort.  Every building we went in had boxes of supplies stacked in them.  We got to one area where there was about a foot ball sized covered arena, and the inside was covered with the boxes of supplies they were stacked at least ten feet high and covered the entire floor, and people were moving on top of the boxes stacking even more on top.  My daughter came to find me and she was humming under her breath.  It was the lullaby I had been singing to her back when the cult members caught us, and I knew she was getting her memory back, and the programming was fading.

And this is the type of stuff that goes on in my brain when I'm asleep.

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